Thibaut Métailler

| Département Management responsable et innovation |
| Projets | Équipe | Publications | Partenaires |

Research Centre : Fayol Institute
Department: Management Responsible and Innovation (MRI)
Coactis (EA4161) Center for research in management from Universités Lyon 2 et Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne
Assistant Professor
School Phone: (+33/0) 442 616 618
Mail address: 880 Route de Mimet, 13120 Gardanne, France.
Office: Room A317
Research topics

Knowledge Management
Inter-organizational management
Management of Innovation

Teaching areas

Strategic Management
New business model
Management of organisation
Collaborative innovation


ATER (Research and Teaching Assistant)
in Aix Marseille University (2015)

Ph.D. in Management Science from Aix Marseille University, France (2015)

Master degree in LEST (Institute of Labour Economics and Industrial Sociology UMR 7317) Promotion (2009)

EDHEC Business school of Management Bachelor degree, France (2008)


Thibaut Métailler is Assistant Professor at Mines Saint-Étienne since october 2016. He defended his Ph.D. dissertation in Institute of Labour Economics and Industrial Sociology UMR 7317 in Aix en Provence in 2015. His thesis is focused on knowledge management (KM) in technological SME to innovate. His research assumes the role of the collaborators as expert in knowledge acquisition and development to competitiveness and innovation. It aims to show that the HR management processes in these SMEs are in fact more akin to a KM that is non-formalized but deliberated and integrated into the activity and the organization.

Entrepreneurship, innovation, organization and knowledge management are the key words of these researches.

To see papers :tamponHAL

| Département Management responsable et innovation |
| Projets | Équipe | Publications | Partenaires |