Sandrine Berger-Douce

| Département Management responsable et innovation |
| Projets | Équipe | Publications | Partenaires |

Research Centre : Fayol Institute
Department: Management Responsible and Innovation (MRI)
Coactis (EA4161) Center for research in management from Universités Lyon 2 et Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne
Full Professor and Department Head
School Phone: (+33/0) 477 420 155
Mail address: 158 Cours Fauriel, CS 62362, 42023 Saint-Étienne, France.
Office: Room 326 Espace Fauriel, 29 Rue Pierre et Dominique Ponchardier, 42100 Saint-Étienne, France.
Research topics

Strategy – Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Digital transition in organizations

Teaching areas

Management in SMEs
CSR and sustainable development strategy
Sustainable Entrepreneurship


Visiting Researcher (2 months) at Laval University, Québec

Visiting Researcher (1 month) at Breda Hogeschool, The Netherlands

Habilitation Degree in Management Science (CNU 06) from Université Bretagne Occidentale, France

Ph.D. in Management Science from Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France

M.Sc. in Industrial Strategy from Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France

M.Sc. in International Business from Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg, France

Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH) in European Management from Reutlingen Technical School, Germany

Bachelor in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, French “Classes préparatoires”, Lycée Roosevelt, Reims, France


Sandrine Berger-Douce is Full Professor of Management at Mines St-Etienne. She is currently Head of the “Responsible Management & Innovation” Department. Pr. Berger-Douce developed an original expertise on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy and practices in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Her field of expertise is focused on responsible management and sustainable entrepreneurship. The excellence of the research carried out results in the publication of more than 55 research papers.

To see others papers :tamponHAL

From 2013 to 2017, Pr. Berger-Douce was in charge of a community of around 20 researchers interested in “Social entrepreneurship and sustainable innovation” at Coactis Laboratory (EA 4161) (Lyon and St-Etienne). More recently, she is implied in research projects dedicated to digital transformation of organizations regarding the creation of shared value among ecosystems. These projects are part of the French-German Academy for the Industry of the Future led by Institut Mines Télécom (IMT) and Technical University in Munich (TUM).

| Département Management responsable et innovation |
| Projets | Équipe | Publications | Partenaires |