Jean-Michel Degeorge

| Département Management responsable et innovation |
| Projets | Équipe | Publications | Partenaires |

Research Centre : Fayol Institute
Department: Management Responsible and Innovation (MRI)
Coactis (EA4161) Center for research in management from Universités Lyon 2 et Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne
Associate Professor
School Phone: (+33/0) 477 420 263
Mail address: 158 Cours Fauriel, CS 62362, 42023 Saint-Étienne, France.
Office: Room 321 Espace Fauriel, 29 Rue Pierre et Dominique Ponchardier, 42100 Saint-Étienne, France.
Research topics

My Doctorate in Entrepreneurship in 2007 deals with
the entrepreneurial process trigger phase. I emphasized
my research on the trigger process with two main dimensions which lead to the trigger: the intention and the role of the environment and of the displacement. This research focused on a population of French engineers.

Now, my research interests are in various areas of entrepreneurship. I works on two main dimensions of the entrepreneurial process. The first one is the
notion of opportunity in the process and specifically
the construction of the opportunity as regards the entrepreneurial orientation of the firm. The
second one is the role of the intuition and the
emotion in the process. I also work on the profile
and the entrepreneur, specifically on his vision
in a SMEs context.

I am also interested in the courses in
entrepreneurship, and particularly in the
evaluation of the entrepreneurship courses.

Teaching areas

My teaching areas are in Management. More
specifically I teach entrepreneurship in the
context of the creation of new
firm and also in the growth of
existing firm. The topics are:
business plan, business model, innovation…

I also teach innovation, strategy marketing and


I studied in French University Jean Moulin Lyon 3

Doctor es Sciences de Gestion (Management
sciences in entrepreneurship)

HDR in Entrepreneurship


I come from Saint-Étienne.
I am in charge of the Economic and management courses in the first year and of the project of innovation and entrepreneurship in the 2nd year.
I am very interesting in the process of innovation in a context of new firm creation.

– In charge of the incubator of Mines Saint-Étienne TEAM
– Vice-President « Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation » since 2014
– Secretary of « Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat » since 2014
– Scientific member and co-founder of « Entreprendre et Innover » depuis 2009
– Member of Réseau Entreprendre Loire
Responsible of a track in the training of Entrepreneurship Student «  D2E PEPITE Beelys “

Main papers

DEGEORGE, J.M., CHABAUD, D. (2020), Quel rôle pour l’orientation entrepreneuriale dans la formation des opportunités ?, Revue Management et Avenir, (rang B HCERES)

DEGEORGE, J.M. (2017), De la diversité du processus d’accompagnement entrepreneurial vers une meilleure complémentarité, Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, 2017/2, 7-16. (rang A HCERS)

DEGEORGE, J.M., MESSEGHEM, K. (2016), Management entrepreneurial et nature de l’opportunité, Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 19/2, juin. (rang B HCERES)

Chabaud, D., DEGEORGE, J.M. (2015), Croitre ou ne pas croitre : une question de dirigeant ?, Entreprendre et Innover, 2016/Collector volume 2, Juillet, 28, 18-27.

DEGEORGE, J.M., FAYOLLE, A., RANDERSON, K. (2015), Entrepreneurial Opportunities: How do Cognitive Styles and Logics of Action Fit in?, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 27 (1), 19-39. (rang C HCERES)

DEGEORGE, J.M. (2015), Scott Shane : Une (re)définition du champ de l’entrepreneuriat comme domaine de recherche, Les grands auteurs en Entrepreneuriat, Messeghem & Torres Eds, EMS, 289-309, 491 p.

To see others papers :tamponHAL

| Département Management responsable et innovation |
| Projets | Équipe | Publications | Partenaires |