Florent Breuil

| Département Management responsable et innovation |
| Projets | Équipe | Publications | Partenaires |

Research Centre : Fayol Institute
Department: Department: Management Responsible and Innovation (MRI)
Coactis (EA4161) Center for research in management from Universités Lyon 2 et Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne
Research engineer
E-mail: fbreuil@emse.fr
School Phone: (+33/0) 477 426 643
Mail address: 158 Cours Fauriel, CS 62362, 42023 Saint-Étienne, France.
Office: Room 305 Espace Fauriel, 29 Rue Pierre et Dominique Ponchardier, 42100 Saint-Étienne, France.
Research topics

Information system management
sustainable development

Teaching areas

Information system management
Information monitoring


Master degree Waste Science and Technology Ecole des mines de Saint-Étienne / INSA Lyon

Bachelor in environment and spatial planning from Université Lille 1


Florent Breuil is graduated from Mines Saint-Étienne, Insa Lyon, Université Lyon 1, Université Lille 1, Université Jean Monnet – Saint-Étienne.

Florent Breuil is part of  The “Global Information System on sustainable development” staff,  named Médiaterre.  This project is an type II initiative, as set out at the World Summit on Sustainable Development.

Médiaterre is an information and discussion platform for sustainable development that is accessible to the various groups concerned (States and public administrations, local governments and international bodies, associations, the economic sector, scientists and the academic community, and ordinary citizens) by facilitating exchanges and integration of the available data on a network of Internet sites distributed throughout the French-speaking world.

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