

This project is financed by the French ANR CONTINT2013 program.

The objective of this project is to help the Collaborative Creation of Contents and Publishing using Opportunistic networks to support the emergence of Ephemeral and Spontaneous Social Networks. It aims at proposing a set of scientific and software innovative solutions for the provision of services with intermittent connectivity, the definition of an infrastructure fo the collaborative management of services in the context of Ephemeral and Spontaneous Social Networks, and an analysis of the value adapted to this context. see the official ANR C3PO web site.


  • French ANR CONTINT2013 program


  • Connected Intelligence team of the Hubert Curien laboratory, UJM Saint-Étienne (coordinator),
  • DICE INRIA/CITI lab at INSA Lyon,
  • Casa Team of the IRISA lab,
  • LEMNA, Mines de Nantes
  • ChronoCourse


  • Connected Intelligence team of the Hubert Curien laboratory, UJM Saint-Étienne