
MOOCTAB: Massive Online Open Course on Tablets

Massive Online Open Course on Tablets

MOOCTAB aims at creating a tablet based platform dedicated to the lifelong learning (primary, secondary, higher, and continuous) using an on-demand MOOC platform with following characteristics:

–       It is based on existing open source MOOC platforms (for example EdX for high school and continuous education) but new functionalities will be added;

–       Data will be stored on a local secured cloud (usage of European Cloud servers, main European provider) as such keeping independence;

–       MOOC will be used through tablets with an intuitive interface and a secured connection (and sometimes after payment, depending on use case) thanks to a strong management of material fleet and identification usage adapted to each use case;

–       This platform will be quite open to allow addition of other use case afterward, whether it will be in e-education or other application such as documents secured management.

see also the