
Thèse préparée par Gonzalo Puig-Samper Naranjo

Titre : Développement d’une méthodologie d’évaluation de la durabilité environnementale absolue (AESA) des gaz renouvelables et application à une étude de cas de biométhane issu de la pyrogazéification de la biomasse.

Début de thèse : 03/10/2022
Fin de thèse : 

Résumé : Various assessment methods (AESA and territorial LCA) are in development and the coupling between the two seems promising to provide decision-makers with a better view of the planetary and territorial impacts for subjects such as green gas production.
The aim of this PhD is to rely on these two bunches of methods to propose an assessment method that will take into account both the territorial specificities of the studied project and its environmental sustainability regarding planetary boundaries.
Besides, some methodological developments will have to be done on biodiversity and land-system change, which are impacts category that are not currently not very well taken into account by LCA, but who raise high stakes for the use of biomass to produce gas.
Suggested RQs

– Sharing of the safe operating space among activities. How to deal with intermediate products (such as energy)? Differentiated sharing based on industry sector’s “ability to reduce”
– Assigning a share to future (not yet developed) technology
– Dealing with multi-functionality
– Combining territorial and PB-based LCA
– How to model and account for technology upscaling and future technological improvement in AESA?


Mots clés :

Date de soutenance prévue : 

Encadrement :

  • Directeur de thèse : Natacha Gondran, Professeur Mines Saint-Étienne, EVS

Partenaires ou/et Financeurs :