
Faculty and Staff

David Moreau is Head of the Department of Bioelectronics at the Centre Microélectronique de Provence and Associate Professor. He obtained a BSc and MSc in physics, specialized in photonics and electronics at the University of Limoges, France. He obtained his Ph.D. at the XLIM Research Institute (UMR CNRS 7252) in Limoges, France in Biophysics working on infrared neural stimulation and its underlying mechanism. Now, he is focused on the development and fabrication of a new generation of implantable neural devices, combining the use of microelectronics to assess neural activity and flexible waveguides to deliver infrared light with the aim of simultaneously stimulating neural activity with better spatial –   +33 (0)4 42 61 68 77

Charles Rezaei (publication: S. Rezaei-Mazinani) is an Associate Professor and Group Leader in the department of Bioelectronics (BEL) at the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Étienne. He holds a PhD degree in Bioelectronics, during which he worked on the development of organic photodetectors for neuroscience applications. Following his PhD, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Alexander Fleischmann’s lab at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) at the Collège de France. At CIRB, he studied the encoding of odor and spatial information in the mouse piriform and entorhinal cortex. Dr. Rezaei’s current research focuses on the use of electronic and optoelectronic materials to design and develop optical and electronic devices for brain interfacing. This includes the design, characterization, and fabrication of high-performance neural implants for stimulation and recording. Additionally, he has a strong interest in neural data analysis.   –  +33 (0) 4 42 61 68 87
IsmailovaEsma Ismailova is an Associate Professor in the Bioelectronics Department at Ecole Nationale Superieur des Mines de Saint-Étienne (EMSE). She received her BSc. in Physics at the National University of Uzbekistan and obtained a Master’s degree in Polymer Science at Strasbourg University in France where she also completed her PhD in Chemistry and Chemical Physics, working on the synthesis and characterization of polymers and their application in microelectronics. She then joined the Laboratory for Organic Electronics at Cornell University, NY, USA as a postdoctoral researcher, where she worked on understanding of the interface between biology and electronics. In 2010 she joined BEL as a postdoctoral fellow where she worked on developing microfabrication platform for soft biocompatible neural implants and advanced to becoming a permanent staff member in 2012. Her current research interests center around the development of organic electronic sensors for applications in healthcare using wearable smart textile systems. She is the leading organizer of the Electronic Textiles Symposia for the Materials Research Society in the USA and Europe. She is also the principal scientist in PIAVE AUTONOTEX project sponsored an BpiFrance (French Public Investment Bank) aiming to develop next generation of communicating and energy autonomous textiles for health monitoring in hospitals and in high-risk environments.   –   +33 (0)4 42 61 66 46   –   @Esma_Ismailova
Rod O’Connor  is Full Professor at the Department of Bioelectronics at the Centre Microélectronique de Provence. He received a B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc. in Neuroscience from Laurentian University in Canada. His doctoral research was carried out at the University of Cambridge, where he received a Ph.D. for his work investigating the influence of pulsed microwaves on neurons and cell physiology. Thereafter, he held a Marie Curie fellowship at the European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS) in Florence, Italy, applying multiphoton microscopy for in vivo imaging and femtosecond laser manipulation of the brain. He carried out postdoctoral training in electrophysiology and optogenetics at the HHMI Janelia Research Campus, VA, Boston University and Woods Hole, MA, USA. Before moving to BEL, he held a Labex Excellence Chair in Bioengineering at the XLIM Research Institute in Limoges, where he developed devices and applied advanced optical imaging tools to study the effects of ultrashort, intense pulsed electric fields on cancer in vitro and in vivo. He received his habilitation (HDR) in 2016. His research at BEL centers on the development of new neurotechnologies using organic electronic materials for interfacing with the brain, sensing and treating cancer (‘Oncoelectronics’). He is interested in the bioelectrical basis of disease and combining Bioelectronics, Bioelectrics and Neurophotonics approaches. He is an author of over 65 publications with an h-index of 21, according to Google scholar (2021)   –   +33 (0)4 42 61 68 78   –   @neurophoton

Research Engineers

 Martin Baca is a Research and Development Engineer in the Department of Bioelectronics (BEL) at the Centre Microélectronique de Provence of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne. He completed a degree in electronics engineering at the Technical University of Košice, Slovakia in 2000. He gained industrial experience in software and hardware engineering for embedded systems working at various companies: Telegrafia s.r.o (Slovakia), and Meodat GmbH (Germany). Thereafter, he pursued his PhD in the Nano-bio-system research team at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany,  where he gained experience with multielectrode arrays for cell culture, microfluidics, biophotonics, and organic chemistry. Following this, he carried out postdoctoral studies in the Neuroengineering group of UMR INSERM 1106 at Aix-Marseille University in Marseille, where he was responsible for developing electronic interfaces for OECT sensors for electrophysiology. He leads development of Neuroelectronics projects in BEL and is responsible for instrumentation, laboratory safety and   –   +33 (0)4 42 61 68 79


Davide Reato is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT) at Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) and the Department of Bioelectronics (BEL) at the École nationale supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne (EMSE). Davide obtained his bachelor and master in Physics in Italy. He then enrolled in a PhD program in Biomedical Engineering at The City College of New York, USA. There, he combined in-vitro experiments and computational models to elucidate the effects of low-amplitude electrical stimulation on neuronal populations. After a short postdoc in Neuroscience at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, where he acquired skills in in-vivo electrophysiology and optogenetics, he then joined the Champalimaud Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal. Supported by two postdoctoral fellowships (Marie Skłodowska-Curie and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), he studied the behavior of mice performing decision making tasks and used machine learning techniques to study the link between neuronal activity and behavior. Funded by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship in 2023, at INT and BEL his research will combine computational models, electrical stimulation using conductive polymers and in-vivo imaging of distinct neuronal populations to study how electrical stimulation parameters can be optimized to shape neuronal activity and behavior in
Wei-Ting Ting is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Bioelectronics (BEL) at the Centre Microélectronique de Provence of the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne (EMSE). He obtained his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Tatung University (TTU) in Taiwan, and subsequently completed his M.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the Material and Surface Chemistry Laboratory of the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech). His research focused on plasma science and biosensors for healthcare applications, involving various surface chemistry modifications such as plasma technology, thin film deposition, biomaterials, 3D printing, and electrochemistry. During his doctoral studies, he completed an internship at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), where he gained experience in chemical nano-etching and semiconductor manufacturing. Following this, he undertook a one-year research project at the Micro- and Nano-Systems Laboratory at McMaster University in Canada, aiming to develop precise, cost-effective, point-of-care diagnostics for chronic diseases. Through this project, he acquired expertise in molecularly imprinted polymer sensing for surface chemistry, electrochemistry, and sensors in clinical trials. Currently, he is a member of Esma Ismailova’s team at BEL, working on the development of a new generation of multifunctional organic electronic devices capable of detecting physiological activity for biomedical
Aimie Pavia is a postdoctoral researcher at the Bioelectronic department (BEL) at the Centre Microélectronique de Provence (EMSE). She obtained her engineering degree in Structure and mechanics of material from IFMA, and her Ph. D. at the EMSE in microelectronics. She studied bioelectronic for in vitro applications: developed bioelectronic devices such as organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) and electrodes using conducting polymer PEDOT:PSS for 3D biological model. She then followed her career in industry where she designed bioelectronic devices and experimental studies for in vivo clinical research on non-human primates for neuro recovery. She is now part of the FlexiOptoRec project, developing flexible hybrid implantable optogenetic devices for in vivo research in deep neuro recording and infrared stimulation of the spinal

PhD students

Matías Ceballos is a PhD student at the Department of Bioelectronics (BEL) at the Centre de Microélectronique de Provence of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne. He graduated in chemistry after completing five years of studies at the University of Concepción, Chile. His research journey began in basic science, focusing on organic synthesis of novel molecules with liquid crystal behavior, starting in his second year of studies. Following his thesis defense, Matías worked as a researcher and lab manager in the LIMM group, where he gained diverse skills in polymer and nanoparticle synthesis and their surface modifications with organic molecules, aiming to obtain nanocomposite gels applied in biomedicine. Currently, he is pursuing his doctoral studies with Esma ISMAILOVA, contributing to the development of new wearable organic electronic devices for biomedical

Jules Mercier is a PhD student in the Department of Bioelectronics (BEL) at the Centre de Microélectronique de Provence of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne.

He completed an engineering degree at the EEIGM Nancy in material engineering where he studied in France, Sweden and Spain. He worked for Owens Corning in Chambéry during one year and a half on the formulation of paints that aims to reinforce and isolate glass/gypsum sandwich composites structures. He works on the development of organic photodetectors (OPD) to record brain activities for a better understanding of the brain functions and neurodegenerative diseases.

Rémy Cornuéjols is a PhD student in the Department of Bioelectronics (BEL) at the Centre de Microélectronique de Provence of the the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne. He is passionate about medical technologies and biological discoveries. He has an engineering degree from the Ecole Centrale Marseille (ECM) and a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). His M.Sc. thesis regarding “Automatic Segmentation and Clustering of Sleep” was based on signal processing applied to Biomedical Signal. His passion in the biomedical field has led him to continue as a PhD student in the Bioelectronics department (BEL) of the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Étienne (EMSE), under the supervision of Charles Rezaei and Christophe Bernard. The goal of his PhD project is to create a novel implantable “Neuroctopus”, a multimodal and multi-branch neurotech device able to simultaneously stimulate and record on different branches. The data recorded will then be studied using advanced data analysis methods.

Dimitri Ducrocq is a PhD student in the Bioelectronics department (BEL) at the Centre de Microélectronique de Provence of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne. After a stay in Sweden and Hungary, he obtained his engineering degree in Biology from Polytech Clermont with a specialization in biotechnology.His PhD focuses on the development of high-density microelectrodes for the treatment of autoimmune

Rita Matta is a PhD student in the Department of Bioelectronics (BEL) at the Centre de Microélectronique de Provence of the the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne.

She graduated from the Lebanese International University, Beirut, with a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering. Previous projects included: Implementing a Python Version of Riemannian Artifact Subspace Reconstruction, to remove artifacts from EEG signals used for BCI (Brain Computer Interface), adapting the Artifact Subspace Reconstruction with tools dedicated to the processing of covariance matrices, called Riemannian Artifact Subspace Reconstruction (rASR). Another project was building a breathing rate monitoring device designed for patients suffering from sleep apnea, based on a conductive stretch sensor that detects the movements of the chest.
Her PhD focuses on the development and application of a flexible, implanted bioelectronic devices for electroporation and ablation in the brain for a mouse model of epilepsy.

Amélie Albon is a PhD student in the Department of Bioelectronics (BEL) at the Centre de Microélectronique de Provence of the the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne.

Amélie completed her engineering degree at CPE Lyon in chemistry and process engineering in September 2020 with specialization in Life sciences and Biotechnology. She works on project HearLight, where her PhD is focused on the development of flexible neural implants for electrical and optogenetic stimulation for auditory rehabilitation.

Nathan Dumas is a PhD student in the Department of Bioelectronics (BEL) at the Centre de Microélectronique de Provence of the the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne. Nathan completed his engineering degree in electrical sciences at INSA Lyon in August 2021 with a specialization in conversion of electrical energy. He works on project BRAINSTORM pursuing the mechanisms of infrared stimulation in the central nervous system by recording electrical and optical signals in vitro and in vivo.

Recent Visitors / interns

Manar Gani is an Artificial Intelligence intern at the Department of Bioelectronics (BEL) at the Centre de Microélectronique de Provence of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne. She holds a diploma in Chemistry and Physics and is currently pursuing an engineering degree in Advanced Technologies at the National School of Sciences and Advanced Technologies in Tunisia.
Manar’s expertise lies in the intersection of artificial intelligence and wearable devices. Her diverse skill set extends to cutting-edge technology applications, including Speech Emotion Recognition. In a notable project, she demonstrated her proficiency by developing systems capable of understanding and interpreting human emotions through speech patterns. This showcased her commitment to innovative solutions and the practical integration of artificial intelligence into real-world scenarios.
In addition to her contributions in bioelectronics and wearable devices, Manar has worked on data science projects focusing on the domain of health, finance and industries , reflecting her versatility in tackling challenges across different domains.
Moreover, Manar has experience and skills in the field of robotics, further enriching her technical repertoire. This additional expertise complements her role in the BEL department and reinforces her dedication to pushing the boundaries of

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