
2024-2026 Project with CMA CGM

  • Reoptimization of Liner Shipping Services
  • Partners: CMA CGM
  • Contact: Nabil Absi
  • Grant: CIFRE CMA CGM
  • Postdoc working on the project : Marco Costa Silva
  • Description: Shipowners operate networks of liner services to move containers between ports around the world. These networks are frequently reviewed for operational or commercial reasons. These adjustments can be related to the structure and operation of one or more liner services (e.g., adding or deleting stopovers, creating a new service) or to the management of container flows (e.g., changing the main route for a given flow, redistributing volumes between routes for an origin-destination). In this project, we will develop decision support tools for optimal planning of container routes and liner shipping services, taking into account realistic business constraints and real liner shipping networks.

2024-2026 European Project SC4EU

2019-2023 European Project SC³

  • Semantically Coordinated Semiconductor Supply Chains (SC³)
  • Partners: Infineon Technologies, AG Robert Bosch GmbH, Research Institute for Telecommunications and Cooperation (FTK), German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)
  • Grant: H2020 ECSEL
  • Contact: Claude Yugma & Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
  • Postdocs working on the project : Abdelhak Khemiri
  • Description: The SC³ Project relies on enabling a collaboration of industrial as well as academic stakeholders to ensure interoperability among semiconductor companies, and further industrial domains. SC³ implements an industrial reference platform as a de-facto standard (frequently used). This framework acts as a key enabler for realising an agile development – validation – refinement loop of a top-level ontology i.e. Digital Reference (DR). DR comprises a combination of different ontologies of semiconductor supply chains and supply chains containing semiconductors. SC³ activities will have a strong focus on sustainability and uptake of the project results, this includes on the one hand to keep the established community alive and on the other hand that the semiconductor data documentation, (i.e. the Generic Semiconductor Data Model) will be further developed and maintained even after the project duration. SC³ will incrementally add domain knowledge to the DR

2019-2023 ANR project AGIRE

  • Decision system for smart management of resources in warehouses
  • Partners: Ecole Centrale Lille (INOCS), IFFSTAR (SPLOTT), HappyChic
  • Grant: ANR
  • Contact: Nabil Absi
  • Description: The project AGIRE addresses the human resources management in warehouses which supply either sale points (B2B) or final consumers (B2C). Such warehouses are under pressure due to the no inventory policy at the sale points and to the constant growth of e-commerce sales. In terms of logistics, this translates into an increasing number of parcels to prepare and to ship to satisfy an order, which is known typically a few hours in advance.

2019-2022 Project MadeIn4

  • Metrology Advances for Digitized ECS industry 4.0
  • Partners: 40+ European Industrial and Academic Partners
  • Grant: H2020 Ecsel
  • Contact: Agnès Roussy
  • Postdocs working on the project : Mohamed-Taki-Eddine Korabi, Wei‐Ting Yang
  • Description: The metrology domain is a key enabler for productivity enhancements in many industries across the electronic components and system (ECS) value chain and have to be an integral part of any Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). The requirements from the metrology is to support ALL process steps toward the final product. However, for any given ECS technology, there is a significant trade-off between the metrology sensitivity, precision and accuracy to its productivity. MADEin4 address this deficiency by focusing on two productivity boosters which are independent from the sensitivity, precision and accuracy requirements.

2018-2022 ANR project FITS

  • Flexible and Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Partners: Mines Saint-Étienne (CIS), LIMOS
  • Grant: ANR
  • Contact: Nabil Absi
  • Description: The project FITS aims at proposing novel mathematical models and solution approaches in order to develop intelligent tools to help optimizing the delivery of services (such as care or maintenance deliveries) to customers located potentially at home. Service providers have human resources (possibly outsourced) with different characteristics. They can have different skills (specialized to versatile), different availabilities and different locations. Customer demands can be erratic, dynamic, stochastic and heterogeneous.

2017-2020 project Productive 4.0

  • Electronics and ICT as enabler for digital industry and optimized
    supply chain management covering the entire product lifecycle
  • Partners: 100+ European Industrial and Academic Partners
  • Grant:
  • Contact: Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
  • Description: PRODUCTIVE 4.0, supported by the “European H2020 research and innovation programme”, the “ECSEL Joint Undertaking” and national funding authorities. It is the biggest project that ECSEL JU has carried with 109 partners from 19 countries and a budget of €106m. The general theme of the project is “Electronics and ICT as the enabler for the Digital Industry and optimized supply chain management covering the entire product lifecycle.”

2017-2020 Ph.D. thesis with Cityway

  • Decentralized computation of multimodal itineraries
  • Partners: Cityway
  • Grant: Cityway
  • Contact: Dominique Feillet
  • Description: The Ph.D. thesis of Sean Shorten aims at computing multimodal itineraries from multiple sources of multimodal information.

2017-2020 Ph.D. thesis with Yuso

  • Algorithms for vehicle routing and fleet management
  • Partners: Yuso
  • Grant: ANRT
  • Contact: Dominique Feillet
  • Description: The Ph.D. thesis of Ali Mecerhed  aims at developing routing and dispatching algorithms in the contexts of on-demand transportation and taxi services.

2015-2018 ANR project EVERS

  • Electric vehicle routing and scheduling challenges within urban logistic
  • Partners: Université de Lorraine (LORIA),  Université de Technologie de Troyes (LOSI), KLS OPTIM
  • Grant: ANR
  • Contact: Dominique Feillet & Nabil Absi
  • Description: In this project, we tackle the challenges of ecosystem of electric vehicles in the context of business fleet and transportation in the urban logistics. More precisely, EVERS project aims are developing optimization methods, and efficient solution algorithms covering different challenges related to the electric vehicle ecosystem of urban logistics at the tactical and the operational level.

2015-2018 ANR-MoST (Franco-Taiwanais) project IMAGINE

  • Integrated MAnufacturinG decIsions for NExt generation factories
  • Partners: National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  • Grant: ANR DS0302
  • Contact: Claude Yugma & Jakey Blue
  • Description: The main objective of this project is to integrate manufacturing decisions into fully automated next-generation manufacturing systems. In the automated factory, equipment automation and automatic material handling system are installed and advanced planning system for production scheduling and dispatching are upgraded.

2013-2016 FUI 4TRAX

  • Intelligent maritime containers
  • Partners: Traxens, CMA-CGM, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (I3S), Invia, MGI, UrbanWave, Mobiquithings, Arveni
  • Grant: FUI
  • Contact: Nabil Absi
  • Description: The aim of this project is to develop a technology enabling a complete traceability of maritime containers. The objective of the SFL department in this project is to evaluate how the added information given by this technology can be exploited for a better management of container terminal operations and maritime transportation.

2013-2016 ANR project SCRIPT

  • Robust integrated planning for railway transportation
  • Partners: Mines Saint-Étienne Fayol (ARMINES), SNCF
  • Grant: ANR
  • Contact: Dominique Feillet
  • Description: The aim of this project is to evaluate how railway transportation planning can be improved with approaches considering simultaneously the different resources involved in the planning (timetable, rolling stock, crew) and anticipating on the possible events that could disrupt the planning. The project relies on the development of performance indicators to measure robustness, optimization tools to generate planning, simulation tools to evaluate these plans.

 2012-2016 project MAGE

  • Microcontrôleurs pour l’Autonomie à Grande Efficacité énergétique (Microcontrollers for Autonomy with Highly Efficient Energy Use )
  • Partners: STMicroelectronics Rousset
  • Grant:
  • Contact: Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
  • Description:

2012-2016 Ph.D. thesis with Cityway

  • Multiobjective computation of multimodal itineraries
  • Partners: Cityway
  • Grant: Cityway
  • Contact: Dominique Feillet
  • Description: The Ph.D. thesis of Alexandre Iglesias aims at developing multimodal shortest path algorithms able to compute quickly good-quality solutions taking into account multiple objectives.

 2012-2015 ENIAC project INTEGRATE

  • Integrated Solutions for Agile Manufacturing in High-mix Semiconductor Fabs
  • Partners: Semiconductor Manufacturers and Solution Providers in Europe
  • Grant: ENIAC
  • Contact: Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
  • Description:

2012-2015 CIFRE with Soitec

2012-2014 PREDIT project PAC

  • Services for purchase transportation in city centers
  • Partners: CRETLOG, Cluster Paca Logistique, MGI, Duplipark
  • Grant: PREDIT
  • Contact: Dominique Feillet
  • Description: This project investigates services which relieve customers the burden of carrying goods purchased in city center areas by putting purchases at customers’ disposal in convenient places (car parks, public transportation stops, home delivery…). In this project, we use simulation to compare different systems and to investigate the role that mobile technologies can play.

 2012 Research project with the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille

  • Long-term forecasting of container traffic flows in Marseille
  • Partners: Jonction, Copetrans
  • Grant: Grand Port Maritime de Marseille
  • Contact: Dominique Feillet
  • Description: The objective of this project is to analyze future scenarios for the traffic of containers in Marseille. In this project, our role is to develop a network choice model for container flows.

 2011-2014 ANR project MODUM

  • A new system for mutualized distribution of goods in cities
  • Partners: LIPN, LET, CERMICS
  • Grant: ANR
  • Contact: Dominique Feillet
  • Description: The MODUM project aims at proposing and evaluating a new system for mutualized distribution of goods in cities. The system relies on a set of Urban Distribution Centers, connected with a ring through a regular shuttle service, and complemented with a vehicle sharing system. In this project, we concentrate on the design of the system and the optimization of tactical and operational decisions, including vehicle route optimization.

 2011-2014 CIFRE with STMicroelectronics Crolles

  • Agile Models for the Agile Factory of the Future
  • Partners: STMicroelectronics Crolles
  • Grant: CIFRE (ANRT)
  • Contact: Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
  • Description: The Ph.D. thesis of Ahmed BEN AMIRA aims at proposing and validating agile models adapting to changes of business processes in semiconductor manufacturing. The goals are to render the production system more agile and flexible and to ensure an integrated decision making at different levels.

2011-2014 CIFRE with STMicroelectronics Crolles

  • Optimization of Transportation and Storage Decisions in the Automated Material Handling System (AMHS) of an Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility
    Partners: STMicroelectronics Crolles, EMSE
  • Grant: CIFRE (ANRT)
  • Contact: Claude Yugma
  • Description: The Ph.D. thesis of Ahmed BEN CHAABANE aims at proposing and validating novel strategies and optimization methods for managing the Automated Material Handling System (AMHS) in semiconductor manufacturing facilities (fabs). The goal is to ensure optimized tactical and operational transportation and storage decisions.

2011-2014 CIFRE with STMicroelectronics Rousset

  • Wafer at Risk Reduction in Semiconductor Manufacturing
    Partners: STMicroelectronics Rousset, EMSE
  • Grant: CIFRE (ANRT)
  • Contact: Claude Yugma
  • Description: The Ph.D. thesis of Gloria Luz RODRIGUEZ-VERJAN aims at proposing and validating novel strategies for wafer at risk reduction in semiconductor manufacturing facilities.

2011-2014 CIFRE with NEXCIS Rousset

  • Modeling, characterizing and optimizing the annealing process for manufacturing CIGS solar cells
  • Partners: NEXCIS (Rousset)
  • Grant: CIFRE (ANRT)
  • Contact: Agnès Roussy
  • Description: The Ph.D. thesis of Florian OLIVA aims at modeling and optimizing the annealing step in a two-step process for manufacturing Cu(In1-xGax)(Se1-ySy)2 solar cells (CIGS). The goal is to study the annealing process of electrodeposited metallic precursors and to observe the influence of crucial parameters on absorber characteristics.

 2010-2012 ADEME project Trace-de-TIC

  • RFID for waste collection
  • Partners: Telecom ParisTech
  • Grant: ADEME
  • Contact: Nabil Absi
  • Description: The Trace-de-TIC project aims at evaluating sociological, environmental and organizational impacts of integrating RFID technologies on the traceability of different wastes. In this project, we developed discrete optimization methods to solve some organizational problems arising from the introduction of new communicating technologies in waste collection.

2010-2012 FNR project IALOM

  • Integrated optimization of production planning and scheduling in a supply chain
  • Partners: CRP Henri Tudor
  • Grant: AFR Luxembourg
  • Contact: Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
  • Description: This project studies strategies for integrating production planning and scheduling in supply chain management. In practice, decisions concerning these two planning levels are taken in a hierarchical order. Consequently, the production plan may generate unfeasibility problems at the scheduling level. The goal of the thesis is to design an integrated approach to integrate production planning and scheduling decisions, in order to guarantee feasible and optimal solutions for complex manufacturing systems and supply chains.

2010-2011 PACA Labs project DASRI

  • RFID for infectious medical waste collection
  • Partners: CHU (Teaching Hospital) of Nice, TAGSYS, STID, CASA, Telecom
  • ParisTech, Gap Hygiène Santé
  • Grant: CG13, FEDER
  • Contact: Nabil Absi
  • Description: The PAC ID DASRI project aims at developing new RFID technologies for the traceability of infectious medical wastes. In this project, we participated in the modeling of infectious medical waste flows. We also developed a decision support tool to evaluate impacts of RFID technologies on infectious medical waste processes.

2010 project NANO 2010

2009-2012 ENIAC project IMPROVE

  • Implementing Manufacturing science solutions to increase equiPment pROductiVity and fab pErformance
  • Partners: Semiconductor Manufacturers and Solution Providers in Europe
  • Grant: ENIAC
  • Contact: Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
  • Description:

2009-2011 PREDIT project PLUME

  • Optimization of platform locations and fleet sizing for fast parcel delivery in cities
  • Partners: Jonction, SOGARIS, Cluster Paca Logistique
  • Grant: PREDIT
  • Contact: Dominique Feillet
  • Description: City logistics face, among others, an increasing sensibility to environmental issues and new purchasing channels (e-business). The core subject of the PLUME project is to evaluate the impact of these developments on the organization of the last-mile delivery. In particular, our objective is to develop a decision support system that can help both carriers and local authorities for their tactical decisions (platform locations, fleet sizing, clustering…).

2008-2013 FUI project GEOCOLIS

  • A new system for goods tracking during transportation
  • Partners: TOSHIBA, IRSEEM, ANAO, Electronic Equipment, Solustop, Covea-tech, IDIT, Eurochannel Logistics, Overspeed
  • Grant: FUI
  • Contact: Dominique Feillet
  • Description: The aim of this project is to develop a new technology for goods tracking during distribution. In this project, we participate in the development of the middleware and develop simulation tools to evaluate the impacts of the new system a priori.

 2007-2010 FUI Project MISTRALSRFID for healthcare applications

  • Partners: CHU (Teaching Hospital) of Nice and the Institut Paoli-Calmettes,
  • IBM, TAGSYS, Psion, SPS, STMicroelectronics
  • Grant: FUI, CG13
  • Contact: Nabil Absi
  • Description: The MISTRALS project aims at developing new RFID technologies for two healthcare applications (biobanks and chemotherapy). In this project, we participated in the modeling of biobank and chemotherapy flows. We also developed a decision support tool to evaluate impacts of RFID technologies on biobanks and chemotherapy processes.

2005-2009 project HYMNE

2003-2009 project Rousset

Data mining techniques for Semiconductor Manufacturing

  • Partners: Laboratoired’InformatiqueFondamentale of AMU (Aix-Marseille University)
  • Contact: Christian Ernst
  • Description: We introduce data mining techniques into semiconductor manufacturing fabs like STMicroelectonics in Rousset. The objective is to improve the yield management by discovering correlations between measured parameters within the manufacturing chain. We focus on post hoc APC (Advanced Process Control) approaches, which compare the end result of the whole process with the desired specifications, analyzing the root causes of low yield for adjusting the process parameters to ensure future quality. We developed a complete KDD model: we simplified the measured data by adapted preprocessing and transformation tools and extracted two kinds of Decisional Correlation Rules which enhance conventional association rules. We currently parallelize these approaches in order to secure the work and explore other ways to improve it.