#FutureMedicine – Mines Saint-Étienne Tech

Surgical simulation Demonstrator

This demonstrator is dedicated to both the surgeon who wishes to train in surgical gestures assisted by augmented reality, and to the industrialist looking for a tool to evaluate the performance of vascular prostheses through use.

The digital simulation tool on a virtual patient assists the surgical procedure:
– Evaluation of stenting,
– Simulation of mechanical performance during release,
– Realistic simulation of the surgical procedure in an appropriate environment.

Example of applications:
Assistance to the planning of aortic stenting on at-risk patients thanks to digital tools. Visual aids in the form of augmented reality provide the surgeon with information allowing him to refine his procedure for complex cases (tortuous aneurysm, fenestrated stent…).

Contact : Baptiste Pierrat, CIS, SAINBIOSE DVH Team

Technology transfer / Innovation : the Predisurge start-up

Founded in 2015 and hosted at the Centre for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering, Predisurge offers hospital practitioners innovative tools to better design and implant cardiovascular medical devices

This technological demonstrator is based on the Mechanical Testing technical platform (equipment, expertise and skills) of the Centre for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering