#FutureMedicine – Mines Saint-Étienne Tech

I.A. Lab Technological Demonstrator

The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory is a complete demonstrator with computing stations and a brain-machine interface for EEG signal acquisition.

This digital space allows the acquisition and processing of data, the implementation and configuration of intelligent systems based on machine learning techniques, diagnostic and decision support.
The preparation time for a session is only two hours, with a capacity to treat five subjects simultaneously.

The AI Lab is equipped with a test bench for brainwave analysis (EEG signal acquisition, raw signals provided at the end of the session).
A high performance computing grid allows to quickly visualize the results of numerical simulations.

Example of project:

The development of a robotic arm to support patients with Charcot’s disease (ALS) was conducted in this context in conjunction with practitioners and users. The study aimed at capturing brain waves using a headset to control simple movements of the upper limbs: grip, flexion, extension.

Contact: Laurent Navarro, CIS

This technological demonstrator is based on the I.A. Lab technical platform (equipment, expertise and skills) of the Centre for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering