About Us

Leadership & Organization

Since 1991, the school has enjoyed status as a national, autonomous public agency, placed under the authority of the Ministry in charge of Industry.

The national supervision of the School is carried out by a subsidiary governmental body, the General Council for Economy, Industry, Energy, and Technologies chaired by the Minister. A government-appointed Vice-Chair administrates the General Council by delegation.

The School is overseen by a Board of Directors, whose chair is appointed by presidential order for a renewable three-year term. The president of the Board is currently Mr. Dominique POIROUX, CEO of Healthynvest. The Board is open to all the School’s stakeholders: students, faculty, staff, alumni, national and local governments, higher education experts, and representatives from the industrial and economic sectors.

The 29 members of the Board are either elected by spectific constituencies (students, professors, staff) or appointed by ministerial order. Consultative statutory bodies, formed by elected and appointed members, are dedicated to specific domains: Teaching Committee, Research Committee, Technical Committee.

The School is managed by a President, whose functions are similar to a University Chancellor. The President is appointed by order of the President of the French Republic for a five-year term, renewable once. Jacques Fayolle has been director since 1st May 2021.

The President is assisted by vice-presidents (VPs), a chief administrative officer (CAO), and assistant-directors (ADs). VPs and CAO are appointed by ministerial order, ADs by President’s decision. The President, VPs, CAO and ADs form the COMEX (Executive Committee), which embodies the collegial management of the School, and makes decisions as approriate. COMEX meetings are held on a weekly/bi-monthly basis.

COMEX members are:

  • Jean-Paul Viricelle, Senior Vice-President for Research;
  • Krzysztof Wolski, Senior Vice-President for Academic Affairs;
  • David Fara, Chief Administrative Officer.

The Steering Committee (COMDIR) is the combination of COMEX and of the School’s responsible entities (Research Departments, Gardanne Campus Director, Delegation for Sustainable Development, Delegation for Scientific Outreach, Delegation for Communication, Library). The Steering Committee has an advisory role. It mainly deals with medium to long-term orientations of the School’s management. COMDIR meets 5-6 times every academic year.