• Email pourchez@mines-stetienne.fr
  • Téléphone +33 4 77 42 01 80
  • Fonction Enseignant-chercheur
  • Centre Centre ingénierie et santé -
  • Service Direction - Secrétariat - Services
  • Site Campus de Saint-Étienne
    Campus Santé et Innovations à Saint-Priest-en-Jarez
  • Bureau L307
  • Responsabilité et missions

    Jérémie POURCHEZ
    Full Professor in Aerosol Science and Inhaled Particles Toxicology
    Deputy Director of the Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering (25 staff, 40 postgraduate students)
    “Biomaterials and Inhaled Particles” department (7 staff, 15 postgraduate students)

    Welcome to my professional web site: http://www.emse.fr/~pourchez/

  • Compétences

    Research Topics: Nanoparticle, Nanotoxicology, Aerosol Therapy, Particle Inhalation, Electronic Cigarette, Vape

  • Activités de recherche

    2016 Member of the scientific board of the first “International Symposium dedicated to Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems & Smoking Cessation”, 100 delegates, La Rochelle, France https://www.ecig-symposium.com/
    2016 Coordinator and session organizer, symposium on nanomaterials “Journées Industrielles Nanomines”, 60 delegates, Paris, France
    2013 Chairman and session organizer “Nanomicrotechnology Days for Health”, 80 participants, Saint-Etienne, France
    2010 Session organizer “Matériaux 2010”, 1600 delegates (20 conferences and 100 delegates in my session), Nantes, France
    2007 Member of the organizing committee and session organizer “SFGP 2007” for French Society of Process Engineering, 500 delegates (50 in my session), Saint-Etienne, France

    Since 2015 In charge of the medical device axis of the transversal program Health Autonomy and Quality of Life of the Institut Mines Télécom (public institution dedicated to higher education, research and innovation in engineering and digital technologies)
    Since 2014 Vice-President of the I-care cluster on medical technologies (more than 100 companies)
    Member of the executive committee and the board of directors,the i-Care Cluster is an initiative intended to bring together all the stakeholders in the value chain of health technologies in the Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes Region – http://i-carecluster.org
    Since 2015 Member of the laboratory board, INSERM U1059, Saint-Etienne, France
    Since 2013 Deputy Director of the Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering (CBHE)
    (25 staff, 40 postgraduate students), Mines Saint-Etienne / ARMINES, France
    Since 2012 Head of the “biomaterials and inhaled particles” department within CBHE
    (7 staff, 15 postgraduate students), Mines Saint-Etienne, France
    2011-2015 Co-founder and elected member of the board of directors of LINA, Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Aerosolized Nanoparticles, EA 4624, joint research group between medical doctors and engineers
    2010-2013 Member of the executive board and treasurer of IFRESIS INSERM SFR 143 and then FED 4166 (360 staff), Saint-Etienne, France
    2007-2010 Member of the laboratory board, CNRS 5148, Saint-Etienne, France

  • Enseignement

    Since 2014 In charge of all the courses in biomedical engineering (320 hours of courses, 1 international MSc Program), Mines Saint-Etienne, France
    2007-2016 Teaching position (200 hours of courses per year) in biomaterials, aerosol science and toxicology for students from Mines Saint-Etienne, Jean Monnet University and one international MSc program in biomedical engineering

    Our academic standing is committed to excellence. Professor Pourchez coordinates the teaching activities dedicated to Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering at Mines Saint-Etienne. Furthermore, he specifically manages two dual degrees: the PharmD / ICM program and the MD / ICM program. Regularly ranked among the top 10 of the 230 French engineering courses, the ICM degree corresponds to a master degree in science and engineering combining broad theoretical knowledge with hands-on projects, development of management and communication skills. Theses combined Health-Engineering programs are designed for the highly motivated and qualified individuals who are seeking an integrated program in the clinical and engineering sciences preparing them for a career in academics research or industrial area.

  • Biographie

    Jérémie Pourchez is Full-Professor at Mines Saint-Etienne. He is currently Deputy Director of the Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering. Within this center, he is Head of the Biomaterials and Inhaled Particles Department. Professor Pourchez became, barely 12 years after his PhD defense in chemical engineering, a world- renowned expert on (nano)particles inhalation. Especially he developed an original interdisciplinary expertise applied to two borders fields: inhalation toxicology and respiratory drug delivery. His research interest and teaching include the understanding of inhaled nanoparticles fate within the organism to highlight biotoxicity, biodistribution and biopersistance of (nano)particles in living systems. His field of expertise is anatomic and cell targets of aerosol, physico-chemistry of nanoparticles and in vitro analysis of biological effects. The excellence of the research carried out results in the publication of more than 75 research papers (see http://www.emse.fr/~pourchez/biblio.html). The structuring of this scientific activity led to the emergence of his multidisciplinary group bringing together a community of researchers made of biologists, clinicians and engineers (UMR INSERM 1059 SAINBIOSE). This team permits to address in innovative fashion research questions on particle inhalation, from fundamental approaches to clinical applications, including pre-clinic studies and technological developments.

  • Formation

    2012 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Université Jean Monnet, France
    2003-2006 Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Mines Saint-Etienne, France
    2002-2003 Master of Science in Mathematics and Physics, Mines Saint-Etienne, France
    1999-2002 Master in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, ESIREM, France
    1996-1999 Bachelor in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, French “classes préparatoires”, France

  • Carrière

    Since 2013 Full-Professor in aerosol science and inhalation toxicology, Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering, Mines Saint-Etienne/ARMINES Common Research Centre, France

    2007-2012 Associate Professor in aerosol science and inhalation toxicology, Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering, Mines Saint-Etienne, France

  • Principaux ouvrages

    see https://www.emse.fr/~pourchez/biblio2.html

    Since 2010 Member of the commission “powder and sintered material” of the French Ceramic Group
    Since 2010 Reviewer of national science councils: ANR (France), ANSES (France), Discovery Grant (Canada)
    Since 2007 >20 PhD examination and committee member
    Since 2007 Reviewer for more than 10 international peer-review journals

  • Distinctions

    2017-2020 ANR Young Researcher GRANT : “AMADEUS project” – Anatomical Models to study Aerosol DElivery to the lUngS for obstructive diseases
    2014-2016 Institut Mines-Telecom Investigator Grant, ROQSTAR project focusing on in silico modelling (QSAR) for inhalation toxicology of nanoparticles
    2011-2013 ARAIR Investigator Grant, AERONANO project (ARAIR: association for patients with respiratory failure) to develop innovative submicron-sized nebulizer
    Jan-April 2007 Visiting fellow, Politechnico di Torino, Italia

145 documents

  • Louis Bernard, Guillaume Desoubeaux, Elsa Bodier-Montagutelli, Jeoffrey Pardessus, Deborah Brea, et al.. Controlled Heat and Humidity-Based Treatment for the Reuse of Personal Protective Equipment: A Pragmatic Proof-of-Concept to Address the Mass Shortage of Surgical Masks and N95/FFP2 Respirators and to Prevent the SARS-CoV2 Transmission. Frontiers in Medicine, 2020, 7, ⟨10.3389/fmed.2020.584036⟩. ⟨hal-03609424⟩
  • Odile Sabido, Agathe Figarol, Jean-Philippe Klein, Valérie Bin, Valérie Forest, et al.. Quantitative Flow Cytometric Evaluation of Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Impairment in RAW 264.7 Macrophages after Exposure to Pristine, Acid Functionalized, or Annealed Carbon Nanotubes. Nanomaterials, 2020, 10 (2), pp.319. ⟨10.3390/nano10020319⟩. ⟨hal-03740357⟩
  • Sandrine Le Guellec, Laurine Allimonnier, Nathalie Heuzé-Vourc'H, Maria Cabrera, Frédéric Ossant, et al.. Low-Frequency Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation Increases Aerosol Penetration in a 2-Compartment Physical Model of Fibrotic Lung Disease. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2020, 8, ⟨10.3389/fbioe.2020.01022⟩. ⟨hal-03687289⟩
  • David Vernez, Sandrine Chazelet, Nicolas Eterradossi, Francois Gaie-Levrel, Jean François Gehanno, et al.. Avis de l'Anses relatif à « l’élaboration d’un référentiel des exigences pour les procédés de traitement de masques chirurgicaux, FFP et équivalents en vue de leur réutilisation ». Saisine n°2020-SA-0075, Anses. 2020, 26 p. ⟨anses-04302687⟩
  • Yannick Cremillieux, Yoann Montigaud, Clémence Bal, Noël Pinaud, Vi Pham, et al.. Three‐dimensional quantitative MRI of aerosolized gadolinium‐based nanoparticles and contrast agents in isolated ventilated porcine lungs. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2020, 83 (5), pp.1774-1782. ⟨10.1002/mrm.28041⟩. ⟨hal-02382227⟩
  • Anne Pasquereau, Guillemette Quatremere, Romain Guignard, Raphael Andler, Florian Verrier, et al.. E-CIGARETTE Usage de la cigarette électronique, tabagisme et opinion des 18-75 ans.. 2019. ⟨hal-02178086⟩
  • Yoann Montigaud, Sophie Perinel, Jean-Christophe Dubus, Lara Leclerc, Marie Suau, et al.. Development of an ex vivo respiratory pediatric model of bronchopulmonary dysplasia for aerosol deposition studies. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9 (1), pp.5720. ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-42103-2⟩. ⟨hal-02096000⟩
  • Magali Ferro, Lara Leclerc, Mohamad Sleiman, Bastien Marchiori, Jérémie Pourchez, et al.. Effect of E cigarettes on tracheal cells monitored at the air-liquid interface using an organic electrochemical transistor. Advanced Biosystems, 2019, 3 (3), pp.1800249. ⟨10.1002/adbi.201800249⟩. ⟨hal-02080289⟩
  • C. Denis-Vatant, C. Merieux, L. Leclerc, H. Duc, C. Berton, et al.. Relations entre vapotage et tabagisme chez les adolescents en classe de seconde. Résultats d’une étude observationnelle descriptive transversale et monocentrique menée dans l’agglomération stéphanoise. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 2019, 36, pp.850 - 860. ⟨10.1016/j.rmr.2019.04.002⟩. ⟨hal-03487932⟩
  • Valérie Forest, Jérémie Pourchez, Cyril Guibert, Dimitrios Bitounis, Lara Leclerc, et al.. Nano to micron-sized particle detection in patients' lungs and its pathological significance. Environmental science‎.Nano, In press, ⟨10.1039/C8EN01301B⟩. ⟨hal-02093051⟩