• Responsabilité et missions

    Maître de Conférences HDR en Génie des Procédés

  • Compétences

    – Génie des Procédés
    – Thermodynamique
    – Simulation de Procédés

  • Activités de recherche

    – Clathrates Hydrates / Hydrates de Gaz
    – Thermodynamique
    – Thermodynamique hors-équilibre

  • Enseignement

    – Thermodynamique
    – Machines Thermiques
    – Simulation de Procédés

  • Carrière

    Doctorant-Moniteur INPT-ENSIACET, Laboratoire de Génie Chimique
    ATER INPT-ENSIACET, Laboratoire de Génie Chimique
    Maître de conférences Mines Saint-Etienne

  • Principaux ouvrages

    Bouillot B and Herri JM, Chapter 6. Volume and Non-Equilibrium Crystallization of Clathrate Hydrates: in Gas Hydrates 1: Fundamentals, Characterization and Modeling, (eds D. Broseta, L. Ruffine and A. Desmedt), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA*/authFullName_s

53 documents

  • Article dans une revue

    • Trung-Kien Pham, Thi Quynh Trang Hoang, Son Ho-Van, Van Hieu Ngo, Quang Duyen Le, et al.. Kinetic study on cyclopentane hydrates in the presence of sodium chloride. Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption, 2024, 13 (3), pp.85 à 89. ⟨10.62239/jca.2024.063⟩. ⟨emse-04720351⟩
    • Angsar Serikkali, Hieu Ngo Van, Trung-Kien Pham, Quang Duyen Le, Jérome Douzet, et al.. Phase equilibrium and dissociation enthalpies of CO2/cyclopentane hydrates in presence of salts for water treatment and CO2 capture: New experimental data and modeling. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2022, 556, pp.113410. ⟨10.1016/j.fluid.2022.113410⟩. ⟨emse-03588306⟩
    • Saheb Maghsoodloo Babakhani, Son Ho-Van, Baptiste Bouillot, Jérôme Douzet, Jean-Michel Herri. Phase equilibrium measurements and modelling of mixed cyclopentane and carbon dioxide hydrates in presence of salts. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 214, pp.115442. ⟨10.1016/j.ces.2019.115442⟩. ⟨hal-02414467⟩
    • Son Ho-Van, Baptiste Bouillot, Jérome Douzet, Saheb Maghsoodloo Babakhani, Jean-Michel Herri. Cyclopentane hydrates – A candidate for desalination?. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, In press, 7 (5), pp.103359. ⟨10.1016/j.jece.2019.103359⟩. ⟨hal-02290404⟩
    • Son Ho-Van, Baptiste Bouillot, Daniel Garcia, Jérome Douzet, Ana Cameirão, et al.. Crystallization Mechanisms and Rates of Cyclopentane Hydrates Formation in Brine. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2019, 42 (7), pp.1481-1491. ⟨10.1002/ceat.201800746⟩. ⟨hal-02103532⟩
    • Son Ho-Van, Baptiste Bouillot, Jérôme Douzet, Saheb Maghsoodloo Babakhani, Jean-Michel Herri. Implementing Cyclopentane Hydrates Phase Equilibrium Data and Simulations in Brine Solutions. Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 2018, 57 (43), pp.14774 à 14783. ⟨10.1021/acs.iecr.8b02796⟩. ⟨hal-01987858⟩
    • Saheb Maghsoodloo Babakhani, Baptiste Bouillot, Jérôme Douzet, Son Ho-Van, Jean-Michel Herri. A new approach of studying mixed gas hydrates involving propane at non-equilibrium conditions and final state: An experimental study and modeling. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 179, pp.150 à 160. ⟨10.1016/j.ces.2018.01.017⟩. ⟨hal-01692471⟩
    • Son Ho-Van, Baptiste Bouillot, Jérôme Douzet, Saheb Maghsoodloo Babakhani, Herri Jean-Michel. Experimental measurement and thermodynamic modeling of cyclopentane hydrates with NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, or NaCl-KCl present. AIChE Journal, 2018, Thermodynamics and Molecular-Scale Phenomena, 64 (6), pp.2207 à 2218. ⟨10.1002/aic.16067⟩. ⟨hal-01692773⟩
    • Saheb Maghsoodloo Babakhani, Baptiste Bouillot, Son Ho-Van, Jérome Douzet, Jean-Michel Herri. A review on hydrate composition and capability of thermodynamic modeling to predict hydrate pressure and composition. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2018, 472, pp.22-38. ⟨10.1016/j.fluid.2018.05.007⟩. ⟨hal-01807219⟩
    • Saheb Maghsoodloo Babakhani, Baptiste Bouillot, Jérôme Douzet, Son Ho-Van, Jean-Michel Herri. PVTx measurements of mixed clathrate hydrates in batch conditions under different crystallization rates: Influence on equilibrium. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2018, 122, pp.73-84. ⟨10.1016/j.jct.2018.03.006⟩. ⟨hal-01738236⟩
    • Baptiste Bouillot, Theodora Spyriouni, Sébastien Teychené, Beatrice Biscans. Solubility of Pharmaceuticals: A Comparison between SciPharma, a PC-SAFT-based approach, and NRTL-SAC. The European Physical Journal. Special Topics, 2017, 226 (5), pp.913-929 ⟨10.1140/epjst/e2016-60225-5⟩. ⟨hal-01524535⟩
    • Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Framework for clathrate hydrate flash calculations and implications on the crystal structure and final equilibrium of mixed hydrates. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2016, 413, pp.184-195. ⟨10.1016/j.fluid.2015.10.023⟩. ⟨hal-01220223⟩
    • Duyen Le Quang, Du Le Quang, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri, Philippe Glénat, et al.. Experimental procedure and results to measure the composition of gas hydrate, during crystallization and at equilibrium, from N2-CO2- CH4-C2H6-C3H8-C4H10 gas mixtures. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2016, 413, pp.10-21. ⟨10.1016/j.fluid.2015.10.022⟩. ⟨hal-01220228⟩
    • Jean-Michel Herri, Amina Bouchemoua, Matthias Kwaterski, Pedro Brântuas, Aurélie Galfré, et al.. Enhanced Selectivity of the Separation of CO2 from N2 during Crystallization of Semi-Clathrates from Quaternary Ammonium Solutions. Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles, 2014, 69 (5), pp.947-968. ⟨10.2516/ogst/2013201⟩. ⟨hal-01088706⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

    • Angsar Serikkali, Hieu van Ngo, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Phase equilibrium of CP-CO2 hydrate in the presence of salts: Experimental measurements and modeling. Journée Scientifique 2020 du Codegepra, Institut Pascal (IP) - Génie des Procédés Energétique et Biosystèmes (GePEB), Nov 2020, Clermont-Ferrand, France. pp.20 / P13. ⟨emse-03216761⟩
    • Baptiste Bouillot, Son Ho-Van, Jérome Douzet, Jean-Michel Herri. Equilibres thermodynamiques des hydrates de cyclopentane en présence de sels pour la purification de l’eau: données expérimentales et modélisation. Cristal 9, ENSIC; SFGP; l’ENSIC; Progepi; LRGP, May 2019, Nancy, France. ⟨hal-02190337⟩
    • Saheb Maghsoodloo Babakhani, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Cristallisation à l'équilibre et hors équilibre d'hydrates mixtes de gaz : Mesures PVTx et modélisation thermodynamique. Journée Scientifique 2019 du Codegepra, INSA Lyon / DEEP; UCB Lyon 1 / LAGEPP, Nov 2019, Lyon, France. pp.29. ⟨hal-02493159⟩
    • Saheb Maghsoodloo, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. A new experimental and modelling study on non-equilibrium crystallization of mixed gas hydrates involving hydrate volume and composition. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering - WCCE10, Anque; Enginyers Industrials de catalunya; SEQUI ; A IQS Oct 2017, Barcelone, Spain. pp.3020. ⟨hal-01717394⟩
    • Son Ho-Van, Jérôme Douzet, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Experimental study and modelling of cyclopentane hydrates in the presence of salt. 16ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2017 NANCY), SFGP (Société Française de Génie des Procédés); EFCE ( European Federation of Chemical Engineering); LRGP (Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés); CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Université de Lorraine, Jul 2017, Nancy, France. ⟨hal-01666734⟩
    • Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Flash thermodynamique hors équilibre des hydrates de gaz. 16ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2017 NANCY), SFGP (Société Française de Génie des Procédés); EFCE ( European Federation of Chemical Engineering); LRGP (Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés); CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); Université de Lorraine, Jul 2017, Nancy, France. ⟨hal-01681097⟩
    • Jean-Michel Herri, Amadeu K. Sum, Ana Alexandra Cameirao, Baptiste Bouillot. Modeling non-Equilibrium Crystallization of Gas Hydrates under Stratified Flow Conditions. 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates - ICGH9, Center for Hydrate Research; Colorado School of Mines, Jun 2017, Denver, United States. pp.02C004_2156_Herri_sec. ⟨hal-01583617⟩
    • Son Ho-Van, Jérôme Douzet, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Experimental determination and modelling of cyclopentane hydrates in the presence of NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, and a mixture of NaCl-KCl. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering - WCCE10, Anque; Enginyers Industrials de catalunya ; SEQUI ; A IQS Oct 2017, Barcelone, Spain. pp.3021. ⟨hal-01713488⟩
    • Son Ho-Van, Jérome Douzet, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Experimental Study and Modelling of Cyclopentane Hydrates in the presence of NaCl, KCl and a mixture of NaCl -KCl. 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates - ICGH9, Center for Hydrate Research; Colorado School of Mines, Jun 2017, Denver, United States. pp.02P058_1665_Ho-Van_sec. ⟨hal-01590424⟩
    • Baptiste Bouillot, Saheb Maghsoodloo Babakhani, Jean-Michel Herri. Thermodynamic Framework for Successive Flash Calculations involving mixed Clathrate Hydrates. 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates - ICGH9, Center for Hydrate Research; Colorado School of Mines, Jun 2017, Denver, United States. pp.03B002_1674_Bouillot_sec. ⟨hal-01583515⟩
    • Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Cristallisation non-stoechiométrique et modélisation d’un flash thermodynamique : Cas des hydrates mixtes de gaz. Cristal Rouen 2016 - 8 ème édition du colloque Cristallisation et Précipitation Industrielles, L'équipe Cristallogénèse du Laboratoire de Sciences et Méthodes Séparatives (SMS) - Université de Rouen; Université de Rouen May 2016, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France. pp.13-1 à 13-8. ⟨hal-01327031⟩
    • Jean-Michel Herri, Trung-Kien Pham, Amadeu K. Sum, Baptiste Bouillot, Ana Cameirão. Prevention of Crystallization of Gas Hydrates.Management of the risk with solids:Modeling the flow pattern. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON EARTH SCIENCES AND SUSTAINABLE GEO-RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT -ESASGD 2016-, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (HUMG), Nov 2016, Hanoï, Vietnam. pp.158 à 177. ⟨hal-01472856⟩
    • Son Ho-Van, Jérome Douzet, Duyen Le-Quang, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Behavior of cyclopentane hydrates formation and dissociation in pure water and in the presence of sodium chloride. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON EARTH SCIENCES AND SUSTAINABLE GEO-RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT -ESASGD 2016-, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Nov 2016, Hanoï, Vietnam. pp.150 à 157. ⟨hal-01466636⟩
    • Baptiste Bouillot, Quang-Du Le, Duyen Le Quang, Jean-Michel Herri. Thermodynamic versus kinetic equilibrium measurements of clathrate hydrates of light hydrocarbons: Influence on intensive and extensive parameters. 13th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, JETC 2015, LRGP (Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés); PROGEPI; ENSIC; Université de Lorraine, May 2015, Nancy, France. ⟨emse-01169979⟩
    • Aurélie Galfré, Pedro Brantuas, Ana Cameirão, Yamina Ouabbas, Baptiste Bouillot, et al.. CO2 capture by using hydrates: 1) The benefice and the counterpart of thermodynamic additives. The 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Jul 2014, Pékin, China. pp.T1-73. ⟨hal-01068432⟩
    • Baptiste Bouillot, Duyen Le Quang, Quang-Du Le, Jean-Michel Herri, Philippe Glenat, et al.. Experimental procedure and results to measure the composition of gas hydrate, during crystallization and at equilibrium, from N2-CO2-C2H6-C3H8-C4H10 gas mixtures. The 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Jul 2014, Pékin, China. pp.T1-71. ⟨hal-01066933⟩
    • Jean-Michel Herri, Duyen Le Quang, Du Le Quang, Matthias Kwaterski, Baptiste Bouillot, et al.. How to explain the hydrate composition from CO2-C1-C2 gas mixtures: toward a kinetic understanding versus thermodynamic and consequences on the evaluation of the kihara parameters.. The 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Jul 2014, Pékin, China. pp.T1-70. ⟨hal-01068354⟩
    • Jean-Michel Herri, Matthias Kwaterski, Aurélie Galfré, Pedro Brantuas, Ana Cameirão, et al.. CO2 capture by using hydrates: 4) From experimental evidences to economic impossibility as a post combustion process. The 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Jul 2014, Pékin, China. pp.t4-13. ⟨hal-01068274⟩
    • Baptiste Bouillot, Quang-Du Le, Duyen Le Quang, Jean-Michel Herri. Thermodynamic study of clathrates hydrates from hydrocarbon gas mixtures Consequences for capture CO2 and flow assurance. Scientific conference on Oil Refining & Petrochemical Engineering ORPE 2014, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Oct 2014, Hanoï, Vietnam. pp. 151 à 167. ⟨hal-01104836⟩
    • Matthias Kwaterski, Jean-Michel Herri, Aurélie Galfré, Pedro Brantuas, Ana Cameirão, et al.. CO2 capture by using hydrates: 2) Modeling the gas storage capacity of TBAB semi-clathrate hydrates. The 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Jul 2014, Pékin, China. pp.t1-72. ⟨hal-01069397⟩
    • Aurélie Galfré, Ana Cameirão, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Cristallisation des hydrates de gaz de CO2/N2 en émulsion cyclopentane/eau : Etude expérimentale et modélisation de la cristallisation. Cristal 7, May 2013, Toulouse & Albi, France. pp.N° Article- 1 à 8. ⟨hal-00850099⟩
    • Sandra Bringay, Nicolas Béchet, Baptiste Bouillot, Pascal Poncelet, Mathieu Roche, et al.. Analyse de gazouillis en ligne. EDA: Entrepôts de Données et Analyse en ligne, Jun 2011, Clermont-Ferrand, France. pp.16. ⟨hal-00828003⟩

  • Poster

    • Baptiste Bouillot, Son Ho-Van, Daniel Garcia, Jérome Douzet, Ana Cameirão, et al.. Mécanismes de cristallisation et vitesse de croissance d’hydrates de cyclopentane en présence de sels. Cristal 9, May 2019, Nancy, France. . ⟨hal-02190345⟩
    • Baptiste Bouillot, Son Ho-Van, Jérome Douzet, Ana Cameirao, Daniel Garcia, et al.. Thermodynamics of cyclopentane hydrates formation from brine: experimental and modelling study. JETC 2019 - Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, May 2019, Barcelone, Spain. . ⟨hal-02311213⟩
    • Saheb Maghsoodloo, Baptiste Bouillot, Jérome Douzet, Son Ho-Van, Jean-Michel Herri. Crystallization of mixed gas hydrates under equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions: PVTx measurements and thermodynamic modeling. Journée Scientifique 2018 du Codegepra, Nov 2018, Saint-Etienne, France. , Journée scientifique du CODEGEPRA - Le Génie des Procédés en Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, pp.P9. ⟨hal-01973527⟩
    • Son Ho-Van, Baptiste Bouillot, Jérome Douzet, Ana Cameirão, Daniel Garcia, et al.. Morphological Study of Cyclopentane Hydrates in Brine Solutions for Desalination Application. Journée Scientifique 2018 du Codegepra, Nov 2018, Saint-Etienne, France. , Journée scientifique du CODEGEPRA - Le Génie des Procédés en Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, pp.27 / P17. ⟨hal-01980240⟩
    • Son Ho-Van, Baptiste Bouillot, Jérôme Douzet, Saheb Maghsoodloo, Jean-Michel Herri. Thermodynamic modelling of cyclopentane hydrates equilibria with NaCl, KCl, CaCl2 or NaCl-KCl present. Journée scientifique Codegepra 2017, Nov 2017, Le Bourget du Lac, France. . ⟨hal-01701753⟩
    • Jérome Douzet, Juan David Alzate-Niño, Fernando Pereira, Daniel Garcia, Baptiste Bouillot, et al.. Clathrate hydrate crystallization in calcium sulfate solutions. 16ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2017 NANCY), Jul 2017, Nancy, France. Ed. SFGP, Paris, France, Livre des résumés SFGP 2017, 110, 2017, Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés. ⟨hal-01664071⟩
    • Saheb Maghsoodloo, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean - Michel Herri. A new approach of experimental and modelling study of mixed gas hydrates under non-equilibrium conditions. 16ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP 2017 NANCY), Jul 2017, Nancy, France. Ed. SFGP, Paris, France, Livres des résumés, 110, 2017, Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés. ⟨hal-01655059⟩
    • Saheb Maghsoodloo, Baptiste Bouillot, Herri Jean -Michel. Experimental study and modeling of mixed gas hydrates during crystallization and final state. Journée scientifique Codegepra 2017, Nov 2017, Le Bourget du Lac, France. . ⟨hal-01687725⟩
    • Saheb Maghsoodloo Babakhani, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean - Michel Herri. Influence of the crystallization rate on the mixed hydrate: experimental and modelling work. Carolyn Koh; Dendy Sloan; Timothy Collet. 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates - ICGH9, Jun 2017, Denver, United States. , Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates - ICGH9, pp.03P068_1664_Maghsoodloo_sec, 2017. ⟨hal-01589968⟩
    • Son Ho-Van, Jérôme Douzet, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Investigation of cyclopentane hydrate in the presence of KCl and an equal-mass mixture of KCl - NaCl during crystallisation and quick dissociation processes. Journée Scientifique du CODEGEPRA 2016, Nov 2016, Saint-Martin d'Hères, France. . ⟨hal-01406759⟩
    • Saheb Maghsoodloo, Quang-Du Le, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. An experimental study of gas hydrate formation of CH4-C3H8 binary mixture under the non-equilibrium conditions. Journée Scientifique du CODEGEPRA 2016, Nov 2016, Saint-Martin d'Hères, France. . ⟨hal-01405260⟩
    • Quang-Du Le, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Influence of the crystallization rate on the formation of gas hydrates from CH4-C3H8 gas mixtures and extension to other mixtures. Journée Scientifique du CODEGEPRA 2015, Nov 2015, Clermont-Ferrand, France. . ⟨emse-01267614⟩
    • Du Le-Quang, Duyen Le-Quang, Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Thermodynamic study of clathrates hydrates from hydrocarbon gas mixtures consequences for CO2 capture and flow assurance. Le Hai An. Scientific conference on Oil Refining & Petrochemical Engineering ORPE 2014, Oct 2014, Hanoï, Vietnam. Proceedings of the Scientific conference on Oil Refining & Petrochemical Engineering ORPE 2014, 2014. ⟨emse-01089986⟩
    • Baptiste Bouillot, Duyen Le Quang, Quang-Du Le, Jean-Michel Herri, Philippe Glenat, et al.. Experimental procedure and results to measure the composition of gas hydrate, during crystallization and at equilibrium, from N2-CO2-C2H6-C3H8-C4H10 gas mixtures. Ziran Zhong. The 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Jul 2014, Pékin, China. P1.081 Paper T1-71, 2014. ⟨hal-01069597⟩

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

    • Baptiste Bouillot, Jean-Michel Herri. Volume and non-equilibrium crystallization of clathrate hydrates. BROSETA, D. ; RUFFINE, L. ; DESMEDT, A. Gas Hydrates 1 : Fundamentals, Characterization and Modeling, Wiley, Chapitre 6, 2017, 978-1-84821-969-4. ⟨hal-01557031⟩

  • Pré-publication, Document de travail

    • Son Ho-Van, Baptiste Bouillot, Daniel Garcia, Jérome Douzet, Ana Cameirão, et al.. Morphology of Cyclopentane Hydrates in Saline Water. 2019. ⟨hal-02197257⟩

  • Thèse

    • Baptiste Bouillot. Approches thermodynamiques pour la prédiction de la solubilité de molécules d'intérêt pharmaceutique. Génie des procédés. Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - INPT, 2011. Français. ⟨NNT : 2011INPT0118⟩. ⟨tel-04240419⟩